Diversions on the Path to Paradise Diversions on the Path to Paradise Diversions on the Path to Paradise Diversions on the Path to Paradise Diversions on the Path to Paradise

Just for Today

150 150 Muriel

Saturday May 1, 2016

8:15 am

I am SO new to this blogging thing; been sitting here for over 2 hours editing, uploading pics and videos, and just generally trying to get this thing ready to launch! Plus, I bought a new Lenovo Yoga laptop before I left the US for Egypt and if I was a swearing person, it would be that this thing has got some kind of ghost or genii inside of it! Sometimes it just starts doing stuff on its own. Gotta contact my computer guy in the US to troubleshoot this thing remotely.

Yesterday, my son-in-law took me to Tahir Square to handle some visa business. Woohoo. Only 6 years after the revolution and 5 years since I begged him to take me there on my 2nd trip to Egypt! Not a THING happening down there other than lots of people handling normal government business, some vendors and beggars outside, and traffic!


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