Gardening et al 150 150 Muriel Muriel May 13, 2016
I brought some seeds here from America and yesterday and today, I planted some; red onions, yellow and white corn, okra, and green beans. The 3 youngest grandkids are really excited about getting a garden started. I will keep you updated on which ones continue to show this initial enthusiasm. We have some plants to start in the house – tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, and spinach – before putting them in the garden. We’re going to shop for some planters, soil, and other items for the garden today after Jumaah. The challenge will be in keeping them watered! Rain is next to non-existent here, so our efforts to keep the plants hydrated will need to be intensified to the 100th power!
After planting this morning, I ventured out on a walk and got just a little turned around. There are packs of wild dogs that roam the streets and in trying to avoid them, I took a couple of turns that were not part of my planned route. Circuitous as it was, the scenery was exquisite! It was quiet and still a little cool; about 72 degrees and early on this Jumaah morning, there was very little traffic.
I walked on streets I had only glanced from the car and ended up at a crossroads where I didn’t know whether to go straight or to the left.
Thank God I have a good sense of direction so I went left. Lo and behold, I came upon the Gulf Market, one of the landmarks that stand at the entrance to the Fifth District where we live! After Jumaah, we ventured out to a landscaping store, looking for a hose and other items to enhance the gardening experience. It was 101 degrees in the shade! The next several days will be in the 100s with Sunday being the hottest at 111 degrees. We will be in the house throughout this mini heatwave!
I have now settled on a name for one of my projects I will initiate here in Egypt. “Keep New Cairo City Clean” (KNCCC) will seek to actively engage the residents in cleaning up this place. I am thinking to start with the youth, rallying my grandchildren and their friends to jump start this initiative. I am told that there is trash collection at some point however, folks go through it to get recyclables and leave the trash strewn all around the dumpsters.
Additionally, there seems to be no collective consciousness to not just throw your trash down wherever you are standing. Egypt is sacred land and where we live is absolutely beautiful but no one seems to care that it be kept trash-free!